As you may already know, we have connected, LibreOffice Bugzilla and TDF Planet to their own twitter accounts and streaming the updates…Â In my previous post[1] i tried to explain the model and pointed how we could benefit social media.
Now, nearly after five months and monitoring the activity of this streams, i can easily say that this model is working and we enjoy the benefit from twitter. Despite of having limited followers we have satisfying clicks per post.
If we can increase the number of followers, which also builds our user network in social media, i think we can enjoy great statistics and this will naturally increase of responses on questions on ask site, triaging newly submitted bugs and increase the audience of our TDF Planet.
Well, lets see the numbers. In order to compare you may see the first post here:Â
LibreOffice Bugzilla Account:
Stats for last 30 days are as follows

As you may see the account has 90 followers, in previous stats we have only 65. In daily average we have 10-43 posts with 49-156 clicks.
The geographical distribution seems heterogeneous than the previous stats.

Lets see post/click ratios

It seems that we have about 1.000 more clicks than the previous stats with a good click/post ratio 3.8. It means that 1 new post is seen by nearly 4 people. It is a good number to confirm a bug/triage.
In my personal opinion, 90 follower is still a low number. We should go over 250. If we can make it, we may have the possibility that the bugs may have a shorter response time. Account:
Stats for last 30 days are as follows

In brief, ask site is our main portal of in means of user support. And it has a great importance on user cooperation. One of the key points of this twitter account is the increase of the attention on ask site and poke users to answer the newly submitted questions. Having a shorter response time or even just a response(unanswered questions reduce the user satisfaction) is really important for us.
As you may see in above stats we have about 147 followers, we had 30 more followers than July but it is still a low number. We should focus on increase the followers of this account. because ask site is one of the easiest ways to contribute to LibreOffice as helping others and answering  the questions mostly on moderate and daily usage of LibreOffice.
We have about 4-24 questions with 16- and 103 clicks around it.
The geographical distribution seems more condensed on North America and Europe. Also India and New Zealand(probably English influence) are increased.

If we look at the clicks/posts ratio:

We see that total number of clicks, posts and clicks per post ratios are increased. This is pleasing. We may say that a new question is seemed by 5 person. Which can improve the response time and he chance to have an answer.
But as i said above we should go further, having about 500 followers will be great here!
TDF Planet
Well, this is our newest account which streams TDF Planet’s new posts where you may grab the latest news and developments about LibreOffice from the first source.
This account is only two months old and has relatively small followers but numbers are satisfying.

At the moment, 57 followers, about 0-8 daily posts and 1-49 clicks through.
Geographical distribution:

And click/post stats:

Seems good for the beginning 🙂
After five months -simply multiplying the clicks by five- it seems that this accounts are making a good job, driving traffic, keeping attention etc. And they proved their benefit to LibreOffice community.
The mail goal is to increase the followers of this accounts. We are a large community and we must increase the bonds cross the contribution channels of LibreOffice. We are more than that but we still need more inclusion.
We have not a professional social media team, but we can do more with little effort. So i will hand over this accounts to suitable people in Ask team and QA team. Not much-needed just some social media stuff like replying mentions, searching some LibreOffice tags and driving people to ask site or Bugzilla to solve their complains etc.
We should not forget that people needs attention. Microsoft Office has this point. Also i do it in LibreOffice Turkey’s twitter account. For example a user may be complaining or may be angry about LibreOffice, a simple reply “Hey, sorry for your probs, let’s ask it to our forum… We should do our best to help you, etc” makes great difference, it changes people to about to swear to be sorry and be friendly…
No need to be a moderator, you may do this by your own as a community member. Just search for LibreOffice – or in your local language like “LibreOffice lang:xx” change the xx to your language shortcode than see that what people are talking about 🙂
Well, in short we need more promotion for this accounts.
If you have twitter, please  follow and promote(#ff) this accounts!
LibreOffice Bugzilla:
TDF Planet: