It has the fastest and easiest installation process !
It has a unique user welcome,and first settings tool KAPTAN !
After the first steps,the whole desktop environment is ready for your use,a great selection of various software,which are bundeled only in a 700 mb CD and there is no other match around other distros !
All codecs are locked and loaded for your personal and professional use for media and ! No efforts needed,just enjoy !
It has the fastest KDE4 environment,and comes with the best widgets and Google gadgets support are ready for use on your shiny plasma desktop !
It has the revolutionary Package Management System called “Pisi”,it is clear,easy to use and installing packages has never been so easy. Package repos are fulfilled with the first class software with the best selection. And the best thing is you wont loose yourselves in strange junky and meaningless repos which have multiple pre-historic versions,clones and ignorant dependencies. Just browse the categories and understand what is the “Simple” in a sophisticated universe !
Need cutting edge versions of software, just add the “test repo” and get into the front line of mighty open source software !
Do you want to see some management tools,which are purely written by Pardus developers,see the “Managers” in your system settings ! Pardus has is own “Rock-Solid Firewall”,and a Solid “Firewall Manager” as it has the Network Manager,and also its Intelligent Display Manager which detects your graphic card and installs the drivers for you,and also History-Manager(a time machine for package management) and a Service Manager which has a shiny plasmoid for your plasma and many others with many “and also”…
It has a great “Look&Feel”,which consist of splash screens for various software as Amarok,OpenOffice,Gimp,Digikam and others and it has its own themes for Grub&Grub Splashes, a various selection of wallpapers its own Icon Theme sorry themes; “Tulliana and Milky” both are unique,and various implementations on KDE visuals.
It has the futures tech,which you will not imagine for decades,like Google’s future tech, you do not need an anti virus, Pardus has its own protection and destruction technology which prevents not only from possible attacks but also destroys the possibility of the purpose of the unwanted situations by its powerfull and secret weapon,KNAZAR !
Pardus 2009 and KDE Software Complation 4.3.4
Those were the” only 10″ reasons why you should use Pardus GNU/Linux !